Ventum Financial Corp. strives to provide the best possible service levels to our clients and we will strive to deal with every complaint fully, objectively, and professionally. When a review of a client complaint reveals that our firm, or one of our representatives, is at fault, we will deal fairly and honestly with you in our efforts to reach a mutually acceptable conclusion.
We encourage you to contact us with any complaint
In order to assist you in bringing any complaint to our attention, you may wish to first consider the nature of the complaint.
For example, if you have a complaint related to service or administrative error, we encourage you to first speak with your Investment Advisor to see if it can be resolved quickly and easily. If your Investment Advisor is unable to resolve your concerns, you should contact:
Stan Lee, Vice President Sales
Ventum Financial Corp.
604-673-2801 Seymour Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 0S6
Tel: (604) 718-7502
Fax: (604) 604-673-2801
On the other hand, if you have concerns about misconduct relating to the handling of your account or dealings with our firm (such as breach of confidentiality, theft, fraud, misappropriation or misuse of funds or securities, forgery, unsuitable investment recommendations, misrepresentation, unauthorized trading relating to your account, other inappropriate financial dealings with clients and engaging in securities-related activities outside of our firm), you should contact our firm’s Designated Complaints Officer immediately:
Richard Thomas, Chief Compliance Officer
Ventum Financial Corp.
604-673-2801 Seymour Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 0S6
Tel: (604) 664-3617
Fax: (604) 664-2686
In any case, either of the above officers of our firm will be able to make a determination as to who will be the best person in our firm to look into your concerns.
You may make a verbal or written complaint
You may always contact us and advise us verbally with any type of complaint and we will endeavor to resolve the complaint immediately. If we are not able to resolve your verbal complaint immediately, we will acknowledge your complaint in writing, and in some cases we may request that you provide a written complaint.
We will commence an inquiry into whether the complaint is service-related or compliance-related (in the case of potential misconduct).
We will investigate your complaint
In most cases, written or verbal service-related complaints will be resolved quickly and easily and we may respond verbally or in writing.
In this section “compliance-related” complaints means allegations of misconduct relating to the handling of your account or dealings with our firm, including but not limited to allegations of breach of confidentiality, theft, fraud, misappropriation or misuse of funds or securities, forgery, unsuitable investment recommendations, misrepresentation, unauthorized trading relating to a client account, other inappropriate financial dealings with clients and engaging in securities-related activities outside of our firm.
We will always acknowledge written, or verbal. compliance-related complaints in writing within 5 business days. We will provide you with the name and contact information of the person in charge of the investigation. We will also provide you with information that will provide you with various other options available to you in the event that our response is not to your satisfaction, such as arbitration, the financial industry ombudsperson service, and making a complaint to the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization.
Our firm will then make any required regulatory reports, investigate the complaint, and endeavor to provide you with a substantive written response within 90 days of receiving your written complaint. During the course of our investigation we may contact you to ask for additional information.
You may contact the person in charge of the investigation if you wish to provide us with additional information and or if you wish to inquire about the status of the investigation.
If we expect that the investigation into your written complaint will take longer than 90 days, we will advise you and provide you with an estimated completion date.
We will respond in writing to your compliance-related complaint
In our response letter to your compliance-related complaint, we will provide you with a summary of your complaint, the results of our investigation, our decision (including the reasons for the decision), and a statement reminding you of the options available to you.
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